7 Katu Gaztetxea
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In 2004 we set up the youth assembly of the old town of Bilbao, and shortly afterwards we occupied the Geltoki gaztetxe located in Unamuno Square. Unfortunately, it was evicted by police within four days. After less than a year, we occupied the 7 Katu gaztetxe #1 in Unamuno Square, but it also lasted only twelve days. Finally, on January 13th 2007, we joined the current 7katu gaztetxe. We’ve had four evictions since then, but we’re still there.
As well as being a service to the neighborhood movement in the old town, it is a tool used by communities and assemblies throughout Bilbao. It is managed by the Gaztetxe assembly (people of the old town) through self-management, but the use of space is not limited to the neighborhood: groups from other neighborhoods use the gaztetxe to carry out their projects (meeting room, banner space, bar that could be a source of money...).
The premises are occupied and Bilbao city council has often shown us that it does not want to know anything about this project. As a result, we are in the process of negotiating with the owners. When it comes to challenges, we are clear that the priority is to consolidate the project. In addition, we also aim to revitalize the street, addressing the neighborhood.
opening times:
Assembly every wednesday 19:30
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- music/concert