
Radar mods and devs articles with help and updates.

sam, 13 avr 2024

Minor tech update

Do you import an ical feed into your group?
Is the group outside Central European Time?
Could you check that the times on your events are still correct - just in case.

lun, 24 avr 2023

We're working on it! Thanks to everyone who reported issues.

[update] should be fixed now... if you are still experiencing issues contact us

lun, 27 fév 2023

There's been a sudden spike in traffic on the site since last week, it is causing it to be slow in responing at times. After a bit of investigation it seems we're shifting more traffic via tor than the clear net at the moment! Tedious, but it would seem not everyone loves you being able to use Radar. Some tech minds will think of something to try and maintain a decent service. Apologies till then.

mer, 09 nov 2022

Blog posts, service updates, and shorter messages about Radar developments will now also be posted on

You can also fire technical questions that direction. Anything moderation it's still

sam, 13 aoû 2022

As mentioned this site is hosted on a server that we control. It's on a physical machine in a cabinet somewhere in the world. And you know sometimes someone knocks a power cable. This resulted in some downtime of the radar site recently. Sorry! There's a nice new power cable that locks into place on the machine now :-)

mar, 03 mai 2022

We are afraid recently posting to the site has been slowing down. This is due to load on the server. It is being investigated, and will be fixed as soon as possible. Maybe we just need a bigger server :-)

ven, 17 sep 2021

À la fin de cette année, nous allons faire une mise à jour de Radar. Cela fait plus de vingt ans que Radar a été lancé et six ans qu'il n'y a pas eu de mise à jour majeure.

Aucun changement majeur n'est prévu pour cette mise à jour, mais de nombreuses améliorations de l'ergonomie sont prévues. À moins que quelqu'un.e ne se porte volontaire pour faire du design, le site continuera à ressembler à ce qu'il était lors de son lancement en 2001. Il sera naturellement compatible avec les téléphones portables.

mer, 22 avr 2020

Les groupes qui s'organisent principalement en ligne sont nouveaux sur Radar. Ce mode d'organisation pose de nouveaux défis à de nombreux-ses militant-es, mais aussi aux modératrices et modérateurs de groupes sur Radar.

mar, 07 avr 2020

It's always been possible to have events in more than one group. But the field on the event form was always a mess, and confusing. Finally we've had an idea and some time to make it simpler.

On the form when you create an event, or edit it, all it says (under the location of the event) is the groups it is, or will be in.
On the page of an event that you can edit you will now see a link to add (and remove) groups as available.

If you click the link you will get a form offering you groups you can add to. Yours, and others that you can post to.

ven, 20 mar 2020

In these times when everyone is being forced to change how they organise two existing features of are worth mentioning:

You can cancel events

This makes it clear to visitors that the event was announced, but no longer goes ahead (at that time anyway). On the site this visually strikesthrough the event. If you use the javascript to show the events on your site it will do the same. Others using the API to get events can also use this information.