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https://quarantimes.global/  is a transnational calender. In times like this, the main boundary to access events is access to the internet and the question of language. The calendar is thought to be a tool to make online events that happen across the globe accessible. Also, we want to support DIY events with "how to" help. The calendar gathers some resources, Infos, and web-links to initiatives that have a solidarity and transnational perspective on the crisis. Join in with your online events!

Aktion/Protest/Camp, Kneipe/Café, Buch-/Infoladen/Bücherei, Kurs/Workshop, Diskussion/Vortrag, Ausstellung, Film, Treffen, Musik/Konzert, Party, Radio/TV, Theater, Arbeitsplatz/Selbermachen

Quarantime shows events of