Groups: Швеція
A-mässan Stockholm
Amalthea bokkafé
Mon - Thurs 16.00-19.00
Sun 14.00-17-00
Joe Hill-gården
Thursday - Saturday
12:00 - 16:00
Kafé 44
Tuesdays & Thursdays 19-22. Live music. Cash only.
Saturdays 12-16. Bookstore INFo 44.
Saturday 11-16. Folkkök 44/Volksküche. (Only first saturday of the month and sometimes other saturdays)
The restaurant with vegan food 11-19 is closed at the moment.
Malmös Anarkistiska Bokmässa
Nattsvart Verkstad
No open hours until we find a new space. We will still post about events we are involved in and share information on where they will be hosted!
Pull The Plug - rise up 4 climate justice
Solidaria Social Center
tuesdays 18-21 (not july)
thursdays 18-21
sundays 14-18
outside of these hours the center can be open sporadically. If your group has the need to be in Solidaria at other times it can be arranged if you let us know in time. If you want to get in touch, throw us an email or just come by!
Stockholms Anarkistiska Bokmässa
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