AG de lutte contre les expulsions
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The General Assembly was created on Monday the 17th of June 2013 in reaction with the eviction of people from emergency reception centres (115) following the decision of the Prefect of Calvados to limit the reception of asylum seekers and failed asylum seekers and proving the incapacity of the public authorities to provide lasting solutions for homeless people.
While in Caen there are more than 5000 empty housing properties, families, with or without children, women and men are left in the streets. Because this situation is unacceptable, the General Assembly is occupying some empty premises that the authorities refuse to requisition. Since 2013, the General Assembly has occupied, in Caen, more than 10 empty properties et unused for at least a year. These places have been made habitable in order to allow many people to move in and organize their own living spaces, even though they stay temporary.
As Justice gives priority to the right of property rather than giving priority to human rights, courts always demand the eviction of occupied places. The GA lodges appeals against immediate evictions from squats in order to obtain a delay unless the public authorities provide alternative accommodation for those concerned.
The GA is open to everyone, it is bringing together people militating in solidarity with migrants and migrants themselves. A concrete solidarity is organized with the inhabitants of the squats – opened and supported by the General assembly that is collecting donations (food, clothes…), unsold goods, etc.
The General assembly is based on an egalitarian and anti-authoritarian organization. It is on these bases that we are fighting!
The General assembly is independent from any organisation, whether it is partisan, associative or trade unionist. We function according to the rules of direct democracy. Discussion are taken collectively, after discussion. If the consensus is not reached voting takes place, one voice per person. Commissions and mandated persons (the treasurer for example) report on their activities. We prefer to rotate mandates in order to avoid any specialisation and takeovers. The occupied places are self-managed.
The General assembly pronounces itself in favour of the legalization of all undocumented people and in favour of the freedom of movement and of establishment. It denounces the xenophobic policies and the State racism. Its fight is based on antiracists, antifascists and antisexists basis.
The right to housing is fundamental without consideration of the individual’s situation
Decent housing for all – Solidarity
Papers for everyone or no papers at all!
opening times:
Mardi, 18h, assemblée générale hebdomadaire dans un des squats de l’AG
Pour déposer les dons, rdv le samedi entre 12h et 14h au 34 Chemin aux Boeufs à Mondeville
- action/protest/camp
- advice/help/office hours
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- meeting
- party
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- sans papiers