Σχολείο για τη Μάθηση της Ελευθερίας ex Sxoleio school

Σχολείο για τη Μάθηση της Ελευθερίας ex Sxoleio school

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The purpose of the Free Social Space Scoleio is to experiment on libertarian learning and the re-determination of knowledge. Its completion through participatory processes of self-learning on various cognitive fields, aims to the transcendence of the role ‘teacher-student’ and overturns the logic of authority, but it doesn’t stop there. We aim to move to the production of knowledge, through those procedures, and through the factual challenging of the existing and the conflict with the dominant model of education. To move towards the individual and collective empowerment. Knowledge is the essential weapon in the process of liberation of each person. Through knowledge arises the critical thought and each person is fullfilled as a being of dispute and consciousness against any obscurantist and authoritarian concepts.
The building where Free Social Space Scholeio is housed, was built in 1897. After several usages, through an exchange, it became the property of the church. The church was exploiting this building renting it to the state and for several years it was used as a school. At last, church relied on the pretext of non-static of the building in order to condemn it as inappropriate for school and to lease it as an entertainment center to an owner. It is characteristic that at a distance of months the same body opined one that is appropriate and one that it is inappropriate. That’s why this place has remained closed and abandoned for 6 years, despite the constant demand of the neighbors for school in the area. Since 5 june 2010, this building has been squatted and functions as a libertarian social place.
The Free Social Space Scholeio is an open procedure where everyone can participate either as an individual or as a collectivity, respecting its characteristics. The decisions are taken collectively through consensus that are based on co-organization through anti-hierarchical and direct democratic processes, in which everyone can participate.

opening times: 

You can visit Scholeio daily from 6pm to 12am


  • advice/help/office hours
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • food
  • meeting


Ε.Κ.Χ. Σχολείο - ex Sxoleio school
Βασιλέως Γεωργίου 27 & Μπιζανίου - 27 Vasileos Georgiou & Mpizaniou, Φάληρο - Faliro


λεωφορεία 3,5,6,7,8,10,11,31,33,39,58 στάση ΕΥΖΩΝΩΝ


Presently squatted

Pazar, 15 Aralık

Pazartesi, 16 Aralık

Pazar, 22 Aralık

Pazartesi, 23 Aralık

Pazar, 29 Aralık

Pazartesi, 30 Aralık