Burning Books

Burning Books

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Burning Books is a radical bookstore in Buffalo, NY. We opened in September of 2009 on the anniversary of the Attica prison uprising.
We focus exclusively on social justice issues and work to support individuals and movements that are struggling against oppression and domination in all its forms. We have a highly curated selection of titles dealing with activism, race, antifascism, environmentalism, colonialism, indigenisim, capitalism, feminism, queer studies, animal liberation, class, disability, and more; including books for children, middle graders, and young adults. We also carry posters, games and gift items - all following our mission of social justice and sustainability.
Through our speaker series, we bring vital perspectives from authors and activists around the country to discuss paths towards positive change in our world.

opening times: 

Open Daily, 11am - 7pm


  • book shop/info shop/library
  • discussion/presentation


(716) 881-0791
Burning Books
420 Connecticut St
Buffalo, NY 14213
Förenta Staterna
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