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On the 12th of May of 2001, we occupied the social centre Cantiere, in via MonteRosa 84 in Milan. That was the bet of a group of young students and precarious workers. The Coordination of the Student's Collectives of Milan and Province occupied one of the manies abandoned mansions in town: the historic Derby Cabaret. After 16 years of abandonment, we were starting up rebuilding this space, giving it back to the young, to the hood, to the city, transforming it in an useful tool to fight discriminations, sale and privatization of culture, abuses and lack of rights.

From 2001 always in movement Since the first days Cantiere has been the centre of the student's collectives and young precarious workers: after years of mobilizations in defence of public school against Berlinguer's reform and the Formigoni's school goods, and after the first mobilizations against the war, we finally were having a tool to potentiate our struggles, a space to cross and invite to cross anyone who wasn't recognizing himself in the unbridled neoliberism: a place where to work together at ideas and issues of social conflict. Since the first moments, Cantiere's was crossable by study rooms, offices, accesses to internet, alternative low cost evenings to answer the needs of spaces and sociality, but above all it was an exceptional political laboratory of creativity and participation in the months immediately before the G8 in Genoa. Not only the young of the city were organizing themselves at Cantiere for the July demonstrations, and for all the earlier steps, but many more, the Milan's Social Forum, other cities social centres, the most different networks crossed this new experience, that was under all aspects coming from the No Global's movement. Cantiere common space in constant construction In the following years, much history and much movement has crossed, filled and transformed Cantiere, from which many projects and paths were developed and projected in the metropolis as in the popular hood of San Siro. In Cantiere the precarious, metix, metropolitan generation of the III° millennium metropolis finds a space of relation, conspiracy and action. A common space to claim house and income, free knowledge, against the precariousness of life and austerity's policies, against global war and securitarian anxiety, because who doesn't rebel is an accomplice. An hub of social cooperation for selftraining and selfproduction, of exodus to built and determine the future.

opening times: 

CS Cantiere: Lun-Gio 10.00-18.00
SERATE Ven 10.00-notte e Sab 15.00-notte
CENE SPECIALI Dom 1/mese 18.00-24.00

Libreria Don Durito
Lun-Gio 10.00-18.00
Ven 10.00-notte
Sab 15.00-notte

Taverna Sociale
PRANZO sempre Lun-Ven 12.00-14.30
CENA sempre Ven e Sab 20.00
CENE SPECIALI una al mese Dom 20.30


  • action/protest/camp
  • bar/cafe
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • film
  • meeting
  • music/concert
  • party
  • theater
  • work space/diy
CS Cantiere
Via Monte Rosa 84
20149 Milano


METROROSSA MM1 LOTTO, BUS 49/78/90/91/95


Former squat, now legalised
There are no upcoming events.