Café DeCentral

Café DeCentral

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DeCentral creates space for political activism and discussion, cosy get-togethers, film evenings, workshops, lectures, theatre performances, club parties and much more. Important to us however is that no party-political, religious, or commercial interests are represented.

We oppose any form of fascism, anti-Semitism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, nationalism, patriotism, and any kind of ideology of domination and discrimination.

DeCentral is an autonomous place. All persons and groups work for free and voluntarily, be it at the bar, cleaning or accounting. In order to remain independent, DeCentral does not claim any government subsidies or other forms of support, but finances itself exclusively through donations and income from the sale of beverages. These are used for political work, to cover rent and operating costs, and to maintain infrastructure and facilities.

DeCentral is not a service company in the traditional sense. We are against the compulsion to buy and the classic separation of "host" and "guest". We appeal to the common sense and personal responsibility of all persons staying at DeCentral and therefore it should not be the task of the bar staff to take care of everything. In this sense, we welcome it if you treat each other friendly and in solidarity, wash your plates yourself, sweep things and donate some money occasionally.

If you can identify with the above mentioned principles and if you feel like participating in this project, come along, participate and contribute your ideas!

opening times: 

Regulary opens tuesdays from 20.00 to 24.00


  • bar/cafe
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • exhibition
  • film
  • food
  • meeting
  • theater


Hallerstraße 1
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