Anarchismustage Wien
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Days of Anarchism Vienna / Week of Anarchism
As things stand at present, the days of anarchism will take place in Vienna from 27 to 29 November 2020.
We cannot define anarchism alone, so we invite all anarchist individuals, collectives and groups to make their own events and/or appear with actions in the week before (20th-26th of November).
Days of Anarchism: 27th-29th of November
In our opinion, anarchism lives from the exchange and discussion between companions. The individuals who came together to organize the days got to know each other through common fights, in projects and finally also through events like the days of anarchy. Even if we do not see the perspective of anarchist fights exclusively in large events, we know about the necessity to create places where many comrades from different contexts can exchange ideas and look for the discussion of individual topics. Through the exchange and discussion our ideas develop further and hopefully find expression in the daily struggles.
With the days of anarchism we want to offer an overview and an introduction to basic perspectives of anarchist theory on the one hand and to show anarchist perspectives on current issues and struggles on the other. A further focus will be on practical skills and skill sharing.
Week of Anarchism: 20th-26th of November
We hope to make the many different groups and structures (in Vienna) more visible with our joint appearance at the Week of Anarchism. We cannot simply define anarchism – it is important to us to give space to the diverse anarchist forms. The week will not only give people who travel to Vienna especially the opportunity to exchange more intensively with the different groups or simply to visit them – also people who are in Vienna (and the surrounding area) could be motivated to deal with anarchism more intensively. We also hope for creative expressions and actions of anarchist individuals, groups and structures.