Inactive: Černá kniha (Black books)

Černá kniha (Black books)

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An Anarchist info-shop & book café Black Books is primarily a free place where everyone should feel safe. Because we know that safe area in this world based on exclusion and domination, is only illusion, we want to focus on topics and activities geared towards horizontally structured society.

In info-shop you can find interesting books, magazines, pamphlets, zines, primers etc. from various areas. Black Books is for lectures, workshops, screenings, discussions and it is place of encounter with another people. Anyone can participate.

An Anarchist info-shop does not mean a closed space only for anarchists, but a place where diversity is welcome. What is definitely not welcome is any manifestations of racism, sexism, homophobia, trans-phobia, colonialism and other forms of oppression.

Let’s start by imagining the world differently.

opening times: 

Open every on Monday and Thursday from 16-21 o’clock.

The Radical Library next door opens with the info-shop as well.


  • book shop/info shop/library

additional tags: 

  • Bookfair


Black books / Klinika
Jeseninova 60
Repubblica Ceca


Evicted squat