Movie Night: Za dvoma zaytsiamy / За двома зайцями (1961) by Viktor Ivanov (77mins)

Dimanche, 5 Janvier

Movie Night: Za dvoma zaytsiamy / За двома зайцями (1961) by Viktor Ivanov (77mins)

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This comedic movie is an adaption of play that  tells the story of Svyryd Holokhvistyi, a barber who tries to get rich by marrying a wealthy bourgeois woman, Pronia Sirko, while at the same time courting a poor, beautiful girl, Halia.
The story raises the problem of social inequality and ridicules the life of Ukrainian Russified bourgeoisie in Kyiv.

The title of the movie is "Za dvoma zaytsiamy" which means the "to chase two rabbits". In english they use the phraseology - "to chase two birds"  a person's desire to do two things at once and result is rhetorical.

The film was shot in Ukrainian at the Dovzhenko Film Studio, as it was originally rated second category and was planned to be shown only in the Ukrainian SSR. Later, when the movie gained huge popularity, it was partially re-dubbed into russian by the same actors, and was launched in all-Union distribution. The original soundtrack in Ukrainian was long thought to be lost, but was found in the Mariupol film fund in 2013. On October 27, 2013, the film with the original Ukrainian-language was presented to the public in Kyiv.

Date & heure: 

Dimanche, 5 Janvier, 2025 - 20:30


  • film


  • ukraine


  • gratuit
Joe's Garage
Pretoriusstraat 43
1092 EZ Amsterdam


Train station Amsterdam Muiderpoort, 10 minutes walk --- Metro station Wibaustraat, 15 minutes walk --- Tram 19 or Bus 41, Bus/tramhalte: Oostpoort, 1 minute walk


Presently squatted

Depuis Juin 2005, Joe's Garage est un centre social autonome, squatté, un lieu politique, un lieu de rencontre dans la quartier Transvaal pour les squatters et les non-squatters, sans aucune subvention, un lieu à but non lucratif, autogéré, tenu par des volontaires.


  • conseils/aide / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / magasin gratuit / rencontre / musique / théâtre

horaires d'ouverture: 

(Décembre 2024)
Lundi: 19h, Cantine populaire Vegazulu
Mardi: 19h-20h30 KSU Oost, permanence d'assistance au squat
Mercredi: 19h-21h, Cours de hollandais*
Jeudi: 19h, Cantine populaire Vegazulu*
Vendredi: 20h, Aman molli, atelier de musique modale
Samedi: 14h-18h, Zone de gratuité
Dimanche: 18h-20h, Radical Sunday School
Dimanche: 20h30, Soirée cinéma*
(*) irrégulier
Chaque 2ème samedi du mois, 19h-20h30, assemblée publique de Joe's Garage
Chaque 2ème dimacnhe du mois, 14h-18h, All Crafts Are Beautiful