Friday Punk Night

Vendredi, 27 Décembre - Samedi, 28 Décembre

Friday Punk Night

Short url:

Every Friday and occasionally on other days (check agenda), the dirty, unshaven, drinking, smoking scum members of our infamous crust-punk collective is here serving you a combination of never heard or underestimated punk/crust/metal tunes. In fucked up gentrified Amsterdam we want to create a space for those bands and initiatives that would otherwise not be able to perform because of commercial greed and moneymaking assholes.


Date & heure: 

Vendredi, 27 Décembre, 2024 - 21:00 - Samedi, 28 Décembre, 2024 - 02:00


  • punk
Spuistraat 216
1012 VT Amsterdam


Former squat, now legalised

Political cafe in the center of Amsterdam. We do benefits for political causes through various evenings & activities - punk / queer / hiphop / voku / SKSU / film / info.


  • conseils/aide / bar/café / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / film / repas / musique / travaux / DIY

horaires d'ouverture: 

Regular activities:
Every Wednesday evening Queer voku (vegan food) from 19:00 / party from 22:00
Every Friday evening Punk Night from 21:00

Most Saturdays and on various other evenings there are benefit concerts / parties, punk / queer / hiphop / other
