Vendredi, 18 Octobre
Oblatos: Epic Flight Into The Night (Acelo Ruiz Villanueva, 2019) + Q&A
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Acelo Ruiz Villanueva | 2019 | Mexico | 105’ | EN subtitles
Mexico, 1976, government persecution of student and labor organizations continues. Toño and Guaymas, members of the September 23rd Communist League, one of the most important underground resistance organizations in the country’s history, are detained on the grounds of subversion, and sent to the high security section of Oblatos Penitentiary in Guadalajara. The only chance of surviving is to escape.
This documentary tells the story of these two characters and the complex guerrilla plan they plotted to escape from prison. It allows us to see the reasons why they decided to leave everything behind to join the underground struggle. Through the voices of Waymas, a worker in a subway repair workshop in Mexico City, and Toño, who sold chickens in a market in the city of Guadalajara, the director shows an important moment in Mexico’s social history that still needs to be interrogated in order to bring justice to all the victims of state violence through a low-intensity warfare against students, workers, and peasants during the so-called “Dirty War”.
The aftertalk will be followed by an online Q&A session with the director of the documentary, Acelo Ruiz Villanueva.
Date & heure:
- film