Freedom Day 🧹🕸️🍂 autumnal reset edition

Dimanche, 29 Septembre - Lundi, 30 Septembre

Freedom Day 🧹🕸️🍂 autumnal reset edition

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Sunday 29th September ~ and ~ Monday 30th September

🕰️ from 11am until sundown

🖤 You are invited to join us for a day of showing the Freedom building some love.

As the season turns, let's dust away the cobwebs, squeegee some windows and get the beloved 84b building in Angel Alley into a refreshed cosy state.

All are welcome to join in with:
🧹 cleaning and decorating
🥗 sharing food
🫖 hanging around drinking tea and getting in the way

Bring your rags, washing up gloves or a baked good; we'll get the collaborative playlist bumping on the bluetooth and keep the coffee machine brewing. No gods, no masters, no cleaning staff — so roll up your sleeves alongside the friendliest anarchists in E1 to work some pixie magic on this historic anarchist gathering place.

Can't do weekends? We got you — we're hosting TWO sessions across two consecutive days to make it possible for more rebel rousers to attend. Drop by any day (or both!) and get a peek behind the curtain of what goes on at the home of Freedom Press headquarters.

Please pass this invite on to anyone as weird as us for getting jazzed over before and after cleaning photos or that clicky sound Henry the hoover makes when he sucks up a pebble 🤓

In solidarity ✊



Apologies — due to the nature of the building, unfortunately there is no step free access to the upper floors where we will be working. Additionally there is no step-free access to the toilet. Please get in touch if you have any questions about accessibility and we will do our best to help.

Date & heure: 

Dimanche, 29 Septembre, 2024 (Jour entier) - Lundi, 30 Septembre, 2024 (Jour entier)


  • librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque
  • repas
  • musique
  • travaux / DIY


  • cleaning fun joy


  • gratuit


Freedom Bookshop
Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street
E1 7QX


The alley is next to the KFC by Aldgate East tube station - Hammersmith and City, or District line (Whitechapel Art Gallery exit)

Decentre is a social room & workspace for events, meetings, organising and anarcho hang outs. Find us on the second floor of the Freedom Building in Whitechapel, East London.


  • bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / rencontre / travaux / DIY

Freedom maintains the oldest and largest specialist anarchist bookshop in Britain.


  • librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque

horaires d'ouverture: 

Monday through Saturday: 12 midday - 6pm

Sunday: 12 midday - 4pm