Proxy Cafe: how to light up Bonfire for your digital spaces

Mercredi, 23 Octobre

Proxy Cafe: how to light up Bonfire for your digital spaces

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Hang on to your tinder!

Bonfire is out there on the Fediverse to help us create federated digital spaces.

Bonfire is a framework to build your community driven federated digital space. It is built full-stack with the magic of elixir and activity pub. Right out of the box it comes with different flavours that represent different organisational models. Because it is modular and highly customisable you won't have big trouble modifying your bonfire space to fit the needs of your community.

Date & heure: 

Mercredi, 23 Octobre, 2024 - 19:30


  • discussion/présentation


  • gratuit
Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16
1075 TX Amsterdam

A place and moment where we gather to talk about computers, free and opensource software, to follow or give a workshop, share skills. Feel free to come for a workshop, to have a chat, a drink around a pizza!


  • cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation

horaires d'ouverture: 

Usually twice a month on Wednesdays from 18:00 till 22:00 at Joe's Garage, LAG and sometimes in different locations and why not in your social space, somewhere else than Amsterdam?!

LAG is a hacklab project coming out of the SLUG (Squatting Linux User Group) mesh.
Our main focus is the relationship between politics and technology, both at a practical and theoretical level.


  • cours/ateliers / magasin gratuit / travaux / DIY