Hundebiss Night w/ Moesha13, Steasy, Brandon

Vendredi, 23 Décembre - Samedi, 24 Décembre

Hundebiss Night w/ Moesha13, Steasy, Brandon

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Hundebiss Night w/ Moesha13, Steasy, Brandon


MOESHA 13 is the Marseille multi-hyphenate artist whose sound merges hard rap
hybrid and afro with inclusive aplomb and a deconditioning ethos.
MOESHA 13 is Shaun’s feminine conduit they use as their stage persona, focused
on creating experimental music-scapes, they work is marked by activism,
enjoyment, performance. Already an underground icon of the international club
scene, they sing, DJs, produce, moving between empowering spitfire rap lyrics,
dancehall and modern dancefloor aesthetics worked into a highly personal,
incandescent hybrid.
Following the success of her singles “Respect” and “Redbull”, distilling
traumatic experiences into empowering club anthems, MOESHA 13 has already graced
the stage of acclaimed forward-thinking festivals like Nyege Nyege, Berghain and
Besides running her own NTS radio residency, they are also one of the artists
(unanimously) selected by the European platform SHAPE in 2020 and because of her
creativity and his ability to federate, in October 2022, MOESHA have received
the Villa Albertine Prize by the Consulat de la France aux Etats-Unis.
MOESHA 13 is currently preparing a new album for Argentinian queer
community-oriented label Hiedrah Club de Baile, with a highly personal take on
Hyper Afro, techno, club within a highly experimental framework.

Instagram :
[ []]
Soundcloud :
[ [[0]=AT3GhcCTvdeGSoWR439cUB17sxxmvhYVXbEkOYhqjK18nEG63Pq-KsezLxrPOd-zNTeayGk8PF7npZhdu5ac8ycssJVmWSoXNaSwupjVq1GqZGmVYaaRwo-IOhu9lg_nsu2sXcqyPLQm-vf5tdEKE1pSKTjN]]
Facebook :  []
[[0]=AZXYs-rIaB_oPKO6adg... [[0]=AZXYs-rIaB_oPKO6adgfjMc4fAGWAiKE90E0slvQHOVyyd8srfu4YTEKHFaGwe82Ely0-WxAI3CtR5o1eZw0g8wWqT--LwVox3sOa8xhvds_AbNlvzusjykPxZb5sbfJaUk&__tn__=q]]
Boilerroom : []


Akwaaba significa “benvenuto” in TWI, lingua parlata dalla tribù Akan in Ghana.
Simboleggia cordialità, cooperazione, calorosa accettazione ed armonia.
Il termine viene utilizzato come inizio di una relazione ed e’ stato negli anni
adottao da altri paesi dell’Africa occidentale (Costa d’Avorio, Togo, Benin per
citarne alcuni), non a caso i Ghanesi si vantano di essere le persone più
amichevoli d’Africa.
Il progetto Akwaaba World nasce nel 2018 come programma radiofonico (Akwaaba
Radio Show), con lo scopo di diventare un melting pot di suoni provenienti dal
mondo, evolvendosi poi in una piattaforma dove dare spazio e voce alle doti
artistiche delle cosidette minoranze.
A-World radica i propri valori nella musica, e ne utilizza la sua proprieta’
comunicativa universale per coinvolgere cultori ed amanti da ogni angolo del
Oltre al programma radiofonico AKWAABA WORLD punta a condividere contenuti
legati a momenti storici, artistici e culturali
legati alla cultura black, orientale e latina.
I protagonisti del progetto sono Aaron Dankwah (Ghana) , Brandon Fiaccabrino
(Italo-Giamaicano), Stefano Rescaldini (Mauritius) e Omar Jaimes (Venezuela).

Date & heure: 

Vendredi, 23 Décembre, 2022 - 22:00 - Samedi, 24 Décembre, 2022 - 00:00

Cox18 is a social oriented squatted space, self-managed since 1976. The various collectives which take part refuse to recognize dominant ideologies or ideologies which would dominate.


  • action/manifestation/camp / conseils/aide / bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / enfants / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / magasin gratuit / rencontre / musique / fête / radio/tv / théâtre / travaux / DIY

horaires d'ouverture: 

L'assemblea di gestione è aperta ogni primo martedì del mese