Küfa and Info-talk

Jeudi, 22 Octobre

Küfa and Info-talk

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Küfa followed by a talk given by activist from Malaysia.
"Homeless by choice - a research on the architecture of a Malay Woman's identity in Malaysia. Does a house/home nourish one's existence? ;or is it a parasitic institution, where one is mutilated continuously by the expenses of its many repetitious favours? If it is, then why does a house/home never ceased to be one of the most important benchmark of a person's stability? If a house/home reflects the ideal of security and stability in the form of materials that symbolizes permanence, then what will be the real deal if one decided to be mobile and impermanence; especially when one is a woman in her forties; where marriage is sacred and a house/home is a kingdom; will one be able to survive the longing of having one's "own space"? How far will one go in tolerating with constructed values of one's society upbringing?
"Homeless by Choice" is an antithesis how a Woman should be. Banned for a while from appearing on main media outlets and declared as the Public Enemy, Mislina Mustaffa abandoned her 20 years of acting career and embarked on a ' Homeless by Choice' project which have sent her roaming the streets and spending nights couch surfing at friends and strangers house which later brought her to live in a tent with 7 stray dogs on a beach for one a half year. [...]
Küfa at 20.00 Uhr. Talk at 21.00 Uhr.

Date & heure: 

Jeudi, 22 Octobre, 2015 - 20:00


  • discussion/présentation
  • repas
Linie 206
Linienstr. 206
10119 Berlin


U Rosenthaler Platz


Treffpunkt, Freiraum, Veranstaltungen, alles was du willst

Berlin Mitte


  • conseils/aide / bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / enfants / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / rencontre / musique / théâtre

horaires d'ouverture: 

jeden Dienstag ab 19h

sonst je nach Bedarf, Ereignissen und Veranstaltungen - stay tuned!