Queer Femi Zament #12 English edition

Vendredi, 26 Avril

Queer Femi Zament #12 English edition

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First in the history of Zament full English event!
On 26th of April we will watch Sisters with Transistors movie, which follows the story of electronic music's female pioneers, composers who embraced machines and their liberating technologies to utterly transform how we produce and listen to music today.
We will discuss and talk about women in the music industry.
Screening has an educational character. Film lenght: 1h 26min.
Movie will be in English language with English subtitles. This is also an opportunity for non-native English speakers to practise discussion skills.
Invite your friends and we will see you soon!You may find some vegan snack and drinks. The event is for free and open for all queer & ally people. Everyone is welcomed."Zament" is an anarchist, alternative place. Many events such as disscussions, lecutres, workshops, meetings are being organised there. Zament is also the place where "Wolna Biblioteka" has its place. If you, or some of your friends is looking for a place in which wants to do things - let us know! The structure of the building: ground floor, no saircase, one step in the entrance, unfortunately, the toilet is not adapted for people who use wheelchairs

Date & heure: 

Vendredi, 26 Avril, 2024 - 18:30


  • bar/café
  • discussion/présentation
  • exposition
  • film
  • rencontre


  • gratuit
ul. Księcia Witolda 78
wejście od ulicy
50-202 Wrocław

Zament - miejsce spotkań i działań aktywistyczno-twórczych we Wrocławiu, zarządzane przez kolektyw niehierarchiczny. Prowadzimy działania w duchu anarchizmu, ekologii i feminizmu. Miejsce całkowicie non-profit co oznacza, że nikt nie pobiera żadnych zysków ze swojej działalności.


  • bar/café / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / repas / magasin gratuit / rencontre / travaux / DIY