Vendredi, 2 Février
El Bigote de Aznar + Selflagellation
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Mais “tum pa tum pa” a acontecer no início de fevereiro nas catacumbas da Penha 🔥🖤
El Bigote de Aznar - punk anti anti tudo (Madrid)
Selflagellation - deathgrind (Lisboa)
Como de costume haverá paparoca vegana a ser servida antes dos gigs, pelas 20h.
E porque nada se constrói sozinho, se nos puderes ajudar a cozinhar e a limpar o espaço antes de a azáfama acontecer, junta-te a nós a partir das 17h. Até lá 😁
Flyer by: @subv3rs1vx
More "tum pa tum pa" happening at the beginning of February in the catacombs of Penha 🔥🖤
El Bigote de Aznar - punk anti anti everything (Madrid)
Selflagellation - deathgrind (Lisbon)
As usual, a vegan dinner will be served before the gigs at 8pm.
And because nothing is built alone, if you can help us cook and clean the space before the hustle and bustle happens, join us from 5pm. See you there 😁
Flyer by: @subv3rs1vx
Date & heure:
- repas
- magasin gratuit
- musique
- 3-5 €