NIKDO NENÍ ILEGÁLNÍ, povídání o Polsko/Běloruské hranici

Vendredi, 3 Mars

No Borders Team and screening of a film about the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border

Short url:

No Borders Team (NBT) is a grassroots anarchist group bringing together individuals from various collectives across Poland and Europe, who oppose the actions of the authorities on the border. The aggression of the authorities is directed against people seeking refuge.

As a group No Borders Team believes that the freedom of movement and of decision where to live is a fundamental human right. Therefore, they do not condone the authorities’ policy of categorizing people. No human being is illegal and solidarity and mutual aid are response to a system based on xenophobia and contempt for people from different ethnic groups.

More info at:

The meeting starts with a short movie screening about Polish-Belarusian and also Polish-Ukrainian borderlands, where NBT is collaborating with locals and other activists. It shows the differences between both sides of eastern European Union border: one of them is open and welcoming people who struggle Russian invasion, the other one at the same time – just 300 km away – killing people who run from another war.

After screening there will be a presentation run by NBT activists, where also be a time for a little discussion, some questions or to share different perspectives on how to help people on the move right now.

Date & heure: 

Vendredi, 3 Mars, 2023 - 18:00


  • discussion/présentation
  • film


  • par donation
SF Miniramp
Brněnská 110/49
77900 Olomouc
République tchèque

„Stavíme se proti byrokratickému systému s centralizovanou mocí, který je sociálně nespravedlivý a dlouhodobě neudržitelný, bez ohledu na to, zda funguje ve státech kapitalistických nebo tzv. socialistických.


  • action/manifestation/camp / librairie/bibliothèque/infokiosque / enfants / cours/ateliers / discussion/présentation / exposition / film / travaux / DIY

We are a grassroots anarchist group bringing together individuals from various collectives across Poland and Europe, who oppose the actions of the authorities on the border. The aggression of the authorities is directed against people seeking refuge.


  • action/manifestation/camp