Practical Squatters Evening @ Decentre

Lundi, 20 Février

Practical Squatters Evening @ Decentre

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By squatters for squatters!

Join us for evenings of practical squatting knowledge, skillshares, and meeting squatters new and old. Whether you're looking to join a crew, looking for more people to join your crew, or just coming along to skill up, we hope that Practical Squatters Evenings can provide something for everyone, and bring together people in the squat scene in London.

Practical Squatters Evenings have a long history of connecting people in the scene and we hope to continue being a useful point of contact for those new to squatting and those with ample experience to share.


To provide a balance of a stable location, and some real practical squat experience, the Practical Squatters Evenings will be held on alternate months between the Decentre social space, and hosted in local squats.

*There will be one session every month of the year*

The dates for the Decentre sessions for 2022 are as follows:

February 21st
April 18th
June 20th
August 15th
October 17th
December 19th

*There will be one session every month of the year*

The dates for the squat-hosted sessions for 2022 are as follows:

March 21st
May 16th
September 19th
November 21st


Date & heure: 

Lundi, 20 Février, 2023 - 19:00


  • conseils/aide
  • cours/ateliers
  • rencontre


  • gratuit
  • par donation


Angel Alley
84B Whitechapel High St
E1 7QX

By squatters for squatters!


  • conseils/aide / cours/ateliers / rencontre