Lag_networking: "Now I want a straight line, crossing the square from north to south"

Vendredi, 18 Octobre

Lag_networking: "Now I want a straight line, crossing the square from north to south"

Short url:

Second encounter in our networking series (presentation/discussion/workshop):

This evening is to share a practical research on a form of commercial surveillance that is used in certain shopping centers and other public spaces, and that tracks people through the wireless signal of their phones. A moment to reflect together on the ways in which technology allows an intensification of control and on how surveillance takes many different forms.

The plan is to continue with sharing ideas on how to design a virtual stampede generation device.



Date & heure: 

Vendredi, 18 Octobre, 2019 - 18:00


  • bar/café
  • cours/ateliers
  • discussion/présentation
Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16
1075 TX Amsterdam

LAG is a hacklab project coming out of the SLUG (Squatting Linux User Group) mesh.
Our main focus is the relationship between politics and technology, both at a practical and theoretical level.


  • cours/ateliers / magasin gratuit / travaux / DIY