XI Feria del Libro Anarquista de Sevilla

De Viernes, 22 Abril hasta Domingo, 24 Abril

XI Feria del Libro Anarquista de Sevilla

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Espacio de librerías y editoriales
· Editorial Irrecuperables / Extremadura
· Editorial Avenate / Sevilla · Editorial Imperdible / Valencia
· Mala Hierba / Sevilla · Zambra Distribuidora / Málaga
· Librerías La Fuga / Sevilla
· La Rabia Editorial / Hellín, Albacete
· Andalucía Über Alles / Sevilla · Piedra Papel Libros / Jaén
· Óxido Lento / Sevilla
· CNT Sevilla / Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo · CACTUS / Sevilla · Periódico El Topo / Sevilla

Friday 22.4.22

6:00 p.m.
«Invested and Patriot-Breakers. Marxism, anarchism and sexual and gender disobedience in the Spanish state 1868-1982) .
Presentation by the author, Piro Subrat . Subsequent discussion.
The fight against hetero-patriarchal morality has not always been an integral part of the program of the political left. Nor of the radical currents such as anarchism, revolutionary communism before and during the civil war, or the different armed groups that emerged during the Franco regime and the so-called transition. Piro Subrat has written a very ambitious book, formidably based on a multitude of documents and testimonies, giving an account of the long and hard road towards sexual and gender freedom, demonstrating how repression has not come only from the reactionary side.

8:30 p.m.
Dinner and opening: Chiricallejeras, feminist chirigota in Seville
Saturday 4.23.22

11:30 a.m.
Presentation of «Feminist urbanism. For a radical transformation of living spaces» . By its authors, Col-lectiu Punt6. Subsequent discussion.
In our cities, the urban form evidences the close link between patriarchy and capital. In the different spaces we inhabit —our houses, our streets or our squares—, the urban model responds mainly to the experiences and needs of a male subject and to economic exploitation. Based on this logic, urban planning and architecture have promoted the exclusion of women from the urban space, as well as other non-hegemonic subjectivities, such as racialized people, the elderly, children or people with functional diversity, among others.

2:00 p.m.

4:30 p.m.
Making the margins visible: fanzines and self-publishing
My first feminist fanzine (Seville), Andalusian women who make the revolution (Jaén/Jerez), Kill the king and go to Murcia (Murcia), An uncle told me that (Seville), Faralaehzin (Andalusia) and Ska's Tuo, Anglo-Extremeña Culture (Extremadura)
The world of self-publishing through the Fanzine acts as a tool for fighting, claiming and making visible the hidden and the dissident. There are many topics covered by current fanzines, from sexual dissidents, feminism, vindication of the identity and culture of oppressed and historically punished peoples, movements and social organizations of struggle and activism, art as an empowering tool and endless themes that, in one way or another, drink or converge with libertarian values.

7:00 p.m.
La Linterna Sorda Editorial , focusing on the invisible real, rebel pioneers who rescue other rebels.
Presentation by Ana Muiña and Agustín Villalba.
We will learn more about this editorial project that emerged in 2007. Always from an up-to-date perspective, the Deaf Lantern has tried to make visible certain social and artistic issues, realities that have been hidden from the official history accepted by capitalism: Rebel women, anarchism, utopian socialism, cultural movements on the fringes and daily life of the working class.

8:30 p.m.

Sunday 24.4.22

11:00 a.m.
Departure: Plaza de Doña Elvira
Walk «Beyond the postcard: route through the memory of touristized Seville».
Guided by CACTUS , Collective-Assembly against the touristization of Seville.
The itinerary focuses on the image of Seville that in many aspects is designed to be sold by the tourism industry, influencing the collective memory beyond the promotional story. We will know the marketing strategiescarried out through mega-events, in which unique identity seals are created and renewed to compete with other cities and the urban center is reconfigured socio-spatially. While some popular places that are part of our memory are emptied of meaning to be easily consumed or even privatized, in others the past is hidden that can be annoying (such as repression or injustice). Meanwhile, and with special intensity for a few years, the expulsion of the neighborhood and the trade of basic goods from the historic center to non-tourist neighborhoods is taking place, further aggravating the symbolic and economic differentiation between the center and the periphery of Seville.

2:00 p.m.

4:30 p.m.
Antifascism: neighborhood recipes.
Debate with Barrios Hartos , Cerro-Amate Platform , Urban Grammar and Anti-Fascist Coordinator of Seville .
We present this table/debate around a topic that concerns all of us involved in one way or another in social movements: the rise of the extreme right and the assimilation of its discourse by a growing part of the population. In view of the little perspective (and even complacency) offered by institutional channels, we focus the debate at this table on projects at the neighborhood level that generate dynamics and networks of mutual support, learning and resistance through self-management and horizontal political practices. . Collectives from the city that carry out various neighborhood projects that share a common base in terms of operation and way of understanding politics will participate in the debate, which shed light on the big issue.

All activities will be in Tramallol , C/ Pasaje Mallol 22 , except when otherwise indicated.

Fecha y hora: 

De Viernes, 22 Abril, 2022 - 18:00 hasta Domingo, 24 Abril, 2022 - 18:00

Es esto una llamada o una movilización?: 

  • llamada internacional


  • librería/ventanilla de información/biblioteca
  • curso/taller
  • debate/presentación
  • exposición
  • reunión
Calle Pasaje Mallol 22
41003 Sevilla