Discussion and Chaos Days

Discussion and Chaos Days

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Those thinking to put a seal of deadly silence on Rigaer Straße or anywhere else, shall count on our urge for selforganized and uncommercial living and our will to face and fight any authority and the power of capitalism over it. We invite you to the Discussion and Chaos Days from 10th to 13th of may 2018 in Berlin. We want to discuss, test and intensify revolutionary and rebellious perspectives, goals and strategies for more intensive and far-reaching struggles.
We’re planning a mix of workshops, discussions, culture and actions on the focal points of our struggles. The more the merrier.

Our call goes out to all active groups and individuals, neighbourhood-initiatives, those involved in struggles in other regions, Punks and kids of the burgeois, gangster and autonomous.. – all those that want to fill the streets and their hearts with life, organize resistance, cause decentral chaos on those days and nights.

You can send your input and ideas to rigaerstrasse@riseup.net

Malfermaj horoj: 

10.-13. May 2018


  • action/protest/camp
  • guided tour
  • bar/cafe
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • exhibition
  • film
  • food
  • (free) shop/market
  • meeting
  • music/concert
  • theater
  • work space/diy

additional tags: 

  • Discussions&Chaos Tage


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