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Lymy is a space in Helsinki that we have rented together as an initial experiment in shaping a life in common with friends and comrades. We use the space to meet each other and others, eat together, do paid and unpaid work, study, share skills, accumulate resources, have fun and organize.
Lymy is a political collective with a focus on bringing autonomy to an everyday lived level and creating connections between different political groups and networks based in Helsinki and elsewhere. We want to create a physical and social space for working and living collectively, which is why we rent a space in Helsinki. As members of Lymy, we pay rent each month from our own pockets. We welcome different groups to use Lymy and make events in Lymy. If you want to make an event in Lymy, please tell us your idea and in which ways you would be interested in organising together with Lymy. When using the space, we appreciate a donation according to your possibilities as a way of contributing to the rent.


  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • exhibition
  • meeting
  • work space/diy
Pengerkatu 6
00530 Helsinki
There are no upcoming events.