"Casa Encantada" book and discussion

Monday, 1 April

"Casa Encantada" book and discussion

Short url: 


Location and time tbd

The book "Casa Encantada (Enchanted House) - Portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte during the pandemic" presents illustrations, photographs, and interviews with squatters from Belo Horizonte in 2022 and 2023. Two Brazilian organizers and squatters document nearly 20 abandoned houses in the center of the state of Minas Gerais that have been transformed into social and cultural spaces for people who were homeless and particularly vulnerable during the pandemic.

During the discussion, the 3 individuals from the Kasa Invisível squat will delve into the contexts of the squatting movement and the struggle for land and living spaces in Belo Horizonte. The city is home to at least 100,000 people living in squatted buildings, houses, or territories and hosts one of the largest land conflicts in Latin America. The discussion aims to foster international connections and solidarity.


To support the campaign on Fire Fund:


Date & Time: 

Monday, 1 April, 2024 (All day)


  • discussion/presentation


10, Calle del Ánade, San Isidro, Carabanchel


Metro Oporto L5, 6 bus 34, 35, 118, 119


Presently squatted

"Casa Encantada" - Book and Discussion:


  • discussion/presentation

Un Espacio en el que tú puedes participar. La liberación del antiguo economato, El Eko, nace con la idea de ser un espacio abierto, multidisciplinar, autogestionado y para todos los vecinos y vecinas del barrio de Carabanchel. Un Espacio Sociocultural Liberado y Autogestionado, E.S.L.A.


  • advice/help/office hours / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film

opening times: 

Martes, de 19:00 hasta 21:00: Taller de esperanto
Martes, de 20:00 hasta 21:00: Grupo de consumo CaraBAH
Miércoles, de 19:00 hasta 21:00: Ateneo Libertario de Carabanchel
Jueves, de 20:00 hasta 22:00: Grupo de Vivienda de Carabanchel
Viernes, de 19:00 hasta 21:00: Zona de intercambio
Viernes, de 20:00 hasta 21:00: Despensa Solidaria de Alimentos