Anarchistický 1. máj

Wednesday, 1 May

Anarchist May Day

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This year's May Day will be once again celebrated in style, in the streets! Once again we will enjoy together a day that is indelibly linked to both the struggle for the eight-hour workday and the continuity of the Czech anarchist movement. Even when it seems that the world is going down the shitter faster and faster, we still have plenty of reasons for joy. After all, „we are not in the least afraid of ruins“. We have each other, and the crises of recent years have shown that we can count on our collective strength.

The imperialist armies of the Kremlin dictator have been on the rampage in Ukraine for more than two years now, but we continue to develop solidarity projects in support of our friends who have decided to resist the invasion. Together we are managing to organise material support on an unprecedented scale.

As the climate crisis, exacerbated by the failure of governments to confront the interests of capital, continues to escalate, so does the movement for climate justice – demanding and working on the sustainable, just future.

We are still governed by an antisocial bunch of ultraconservatives and technocrats who seem intent on throwing as many votes as possible to the rival one-man oligarch "ANO" project.

Both they and their wannabe alternatives of Okamura's nationalist fear merchants or red-brown Putinists don't give a shit about people who are burning the best years of their lives in several jobs at once because of extortionate rents, or about the poor seniors and single mothers, or about the young, or about queers, or about anyone other than thair party sponsors in general.

But despite this not-so-positive atmosphere, more and more autonomous spaces, self-managed projects, and active groups of great people who believe that a better world is possible are springing up. The anarchist movement is not only alive, but we can say with certainty that it is growing, both in numbers and in quality. We are not standing still, we are moving forward, learning and advancing the ideas of freedom, justice and equality every day, in many different ways. And May Day is an opportunity for us to meet, connect, make new friends and maybe even plan something great.

This May Day, we will first meet together at 1:30 PM for commemorations, a few speeches, and a picnic on Střelecký Island, the traditional site of national May Day events. Then we'll head out for a colorful and loud parade through town. A rich musical programme awaits us on Štvanice Island - we will introduce the individual performers shortly.

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Date & Time: 

Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 - 13:30

Is this a callout or mobilisation?: 

  • national callout


  • action/protest/camp


Střelecký ostrov
Czech Republic

„Stavíme se proti byrokratickému systému s centralizovanou mocí, který je sociálně nespravedlivý a dlouhodobě neudržitelný, bez ohledu na to, zda funguje ve státech kapitalistických nebo tzv. socialistických.


  • action/protest/camp / book shop/info shop/library / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / work space/diy