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On the 11th of June 2008, it was decided in ther city council to let us take over two buildings in the North western area of the city. 1st of July we started moving in... The house and area The two buildings used to be a part of a communal social centre that we are now sharing ground with. It's situated between Dortheavej and Rentemestervej in the North-western part of Copenhagen, approx. 2,8 km from Jagtvej 69.

The house consists of two buildings. We got the first on July 1st, "The annex" which is the smaller of the two with 600 m2. The second was given to us on January 1st 2009. The total of the two buildings is 2000 m2 which is the same area we used to have in Ungdomshuset at Jagtvej 69.


Ungdomshuset (literally "the Youth House") was the name of the building formally known as Folkets Hus ("House of the People") located on Jagtvej 69 in Nørrebro, Copenhagen.

Ungdomshuset was build by the local workers movement to function as a base in the struggle of social justice. Here they had meetings and parties during the fight. In the 1950's many labour unions build their own houses and the house was more or less empty until the 80's. In the 80's, the squatter's movement grew, and it was in this very house that the Initiative for a Youth's House met and formed their demands to the Town Council. Within two years of massive house squatting the Town Council gave up and gave Ungdomshuset to the movement.

Ungdomshuset, was a four storey political and cultural centre. It was the base of the radical D.I.Y. scene in Copenhagen, a venue for music and rendezvous point for varying autonomous and leftist groups from 1982 until 2007 when - after prolonged conflict - it was torn down. Due to the ongoing conflict between the municipal government of Copenhagen and the activists occupying the premises, the building was subject to an intense media attention and public debate since the mid-1990s.

The house had activities going on almost every single day, from Monday meetings and political debates to shows and cinema in the weekends. Furthermore, the house had different kinds of workshops and practise rooms for local bands.

Ungdomshuset was an alternative to a world causing conflicts between people. We knew that we were not able to make a perfect society within this world, as its laws and restrictions are pressuring us and because we ourselves are also manipulated by its ways. The primary difference between the surrounding society and us is that we constantly fight the structures that causes problems betweens people

opening times: 


17:00 - 19:00 | Svederen

Ravn Styrketræning


17:00 - 19:00 | Bogcafeen

Barrikaden og Distro 61 er åben


17:00 - 19:00 | Bølleborgen



19:00 | Cafeen




16:00 | Dødsmaskinen / Cafeen



17:00 - 21:00 | Bølleborgen




19:00 - 22:00 | Cafeen



17:00 - 19:00 | Bogcafeen

Barrikaden og Distro 61 er åben


17:00 - 19:00 | Svederen

Ravn Styrkeløft


18:00 - 21:00 | Ungdomshuset

ACAB - All crafts are beautiful. (kun ulige uger)



19:00 | Svederen

Uprising of Inanna



10:00 - 14:00 | Cafeen og Svederen

Legestue -En gang om måneden: tjek kalenderen eller Facebook for dato.


17:00 | Barrikaden



  • bar/cafe
  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • exhibition
  • film
  • meeting
  • music/concert
  • party
  • work space/diy


Dortheavej 61


Fra Nørreport station (S-tog, Metro) kan man tage busserne 5A og 350S samt natbus 81N til Hulgårds Plads, hvorfra der er ca. fem minutters gang. Fra Hellerup, Emdrup, Flintholm og Rødovre kan man tage bus 21, der stopper ved Birkedommervej - lige ved sid


Former squat, now legalised

Thursday, 2 January

Saturday, 11 January

Thursday, 16 January

Friday, 17 January

Saturday, 25 January

Thursday, 30 January

Thursday, 13 February

Friday, 21 February

Thursday, 27 February

Thursday, 13 March