Bienal Anarquista de Madrid

Bienal Anarquista de Madrid

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The Madrid Anarchist Biennial was born with the aim of connecting libertarian theories and practices, to leave our confined spaces and build real alternatives with which to enrich our search for a radical social transformation.
Although we are in a moment of blockade and demobilization, we can currently find collectives, individuals and communities that exemplify with their struggles the anti-authoritarian and horizontal ideal. These experiences challenge the established power and dismantle the increasingly widespread idea that anarchist practices should be relegated to history books, as failed and romantic examples of utopian and outdated theories.
In this current moment of social control in which revolutionary struggles are in full retreat, we see it as a priority to share and discuss these experiences. We intend to encourage us and provide new tools with which to get out of the well in which it seems to be drowning a whole tradition of struggle in our city. In the face of what we understand as a new capitalist restructuring, several people believe it is necessary to create a space that gathers these experiences alive today, that fight against racial, gender, class, environmental oppression... and that build, day by day, new ways of understanding and living reality, more just, egalitarian and horizontal.
Therefore, our project is to hold a conference every two springs in which books, testimonies, interviews, debates and any communication strategy that can help us move forward on this path.
Given the current situation, we will begin this journey with a series of talks and short interviews, which will serve to present the project and connect with experiences of current struggles. These conferences, scheduled for October 2020 and January 2021, will be carried out (given the current situation) in digital format.
We hope to provide impetus and tools that will contribute to reactivate the contesting forces in our neighborhoods and foster a culture of struggle that can face the challenges of the present.


  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • meeting
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