People’s Republic of Stokes Croft
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Since 2007, the People’s Republic of Stokes Croft – PRSC – has worked tirelessly to promote civil liberty with a particular focus on public space. Sweeping, painting and speaking out are part of their resistance to zealous overregulation of independent initiative. Their lead has arguably encouraged others to do the same and, as a result, Stokes Croft remains a hub of confident and creative dissent.
Help us purchase 17-25 Jamaica Street (PRSC HQ) to bring it into community ownership, and become a shareholder of the Stokes Croft Land Trust.
opening times:
Monday - Saturday : 11am - 6pm
Sunday : 12pm - 5pm
- bar/cafe
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- exhibition
- food
- meeting
- music/concert
- party
- radio/tv
- theater
dilluns, 13 gener
Bristol Women's Voice Choir - Raise your Voice through Song
- choir, music
18:30 a 20:00 dimarts, 14 gener
People's Art Club & Community Drop-in
- Workshop
14:00 a 16:00 Smashing the genocide-industrial complex
- debate, discussion, education, Politics, talk
18:30 a 20:00 dissabte, 18 gener
Jazz Police Improv Presents: Name Our Show
- Comedy, Performance
19:30 a 22:00 diumenge, 19 gener
China Decorating Workshop
- Workshop
13:00 a 17:15 dilluns, 20 gener
Bristol Women's Voice Choir - Raise your Voice through Song
- choir, music
18:30 a 20:00 dimarts, 21 gener
People's Art Club & Community Drop-in
- Workshop
14:00 a 16:00 dijous, 23 gener
School of Activism – London Recruits: Film Screening & Discussion
film - education, film, Protest
18:30 a 21:30 divendres, 24 gener
W.E. Irish Music: The Publicans
- live music, music, Performance
19:00 a 22:30 dissabte, 25 gener
The Improv Spotlight
- Comedy, Performance
19:00 a 21:30