Διαχειριστική Συνέλευση

Pazar, 29 Aralık

Self-managing Assembly

Short url: 


The Self-managing Assembly is responsible for running and maintaining the Free Social Space Scholeio and it’s necessary for everyone to participate for the οperational qualification. The events of all type (e.g. free lessons, events for financial support, etc) should be discussed in the Assembly, which takes place every Sunday at 6.00pm.

Tarih & Zaman: 

Pazar, 29 Aralık, 2024 - 18:00


  • toplantı
Ε.Κ.Χ. Σχολείο - ex Sxoleio school
Βασιλέως Γεωργίου 27 & Μπιζανίου - 27 Vasileos Georgiou & Mpizaniou, Φάληρο - Faliro


λεωφορεία 3,5,6,7,8,10,11,31,33,39,58 στάση ΕΥΖΩΝΩΝ


Presently squatted

The purpose of the Free Social Space Scoleio is to experiment on libertarian learning and the re-determination of knowledge.


  • tavsiye/yardım/çalışma saatleri / kitapçı/info shop/kütüphane / kurs/atölye / tartışma/sunum / yiyecek / toplantı

opening times: 

You can visit Scholeio daily from 6pm to 12am