lördag, 12 augusti
8th Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair
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The LA ABF is a community event for anarchists to connect with each other. After five years of absence, and three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the LA ABF is coming back in August 2023. We promise to provide an awesome space for popular education, organizing, and community building!
10:30am: Solidarity Collectives (Ukraine) will present in Classroom 1, and Hafsa Kanjwal will present her book Colonizing Kashmir in Classroom 2
11:05am: Shane Burley and Michael Novick will discuss Anti-Fascism and their book ¡No Pasarán! in Classroom 2
12:00pm-12:30pm: Break for lunch provided by Downtown LA Food Not Bombs
12:35pm: Alexandra Hong and Jorge Rivera will discuss Tenants’ Rights in Classroom 1, and Marisa Holmes and Jez Bold will present Marisa’s Organizing Occupy Wall Street in Classroom 2
1:55pm: Los Angeles For All presents on radical municipalism in Classroom 1, and Tom Wetzel and Wayne Price discuss Tom’s Overcoming Capitalism in Classroom 2
3:00pm: Sean Patterson will present his book Makhno and Memory in Classroom 2
3:15pm: Bill Weinberg, Wayne Price, and Yevgeny Lerner discuss Ukraine and Anarchist Internationalism in Classroom 1
4:00pm: Pushing Down the Walls (PDTW) will present in Classroom 2
5:00pm: The 8th LA Anarchist Book Fair ends!
Vendors at the 8th LA Anarchist Book Fair:
AK Press
PM Press
Pushing Down the Walls
Brittle Bush Distro
Brown Recluse Distro
Peoples’ Cafe 1312
Mixtepec Studios
LA Spoonie Collective
Pissboy Zines
Dead Relatives Magazine
MultiMedia Militia
Date & Time:
Is this a callout or mobilisation?:
- national callout
- book shop/info shop/library
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- meeting