XII Feria del Libro Anarquista de Sevilla

torsdag, 23 mars till söndag, 26 mars

XII Seville Anarchist Bookfair

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Thursday 23

20:00 h / CSOA La Leona · C/ Francisco Meneses 2

Presentation of the comic «Que mi nombre se no se olvida», by Manolito Rastamán and Cecilio Gordillo (CGT, 2022)

Comic dedicated to the memory and lives of the people who led to its ultimate consequences, a new world in their hearts, defending The Idea with altruism and courage, based on social commitment and with hopes for a better world. A work by Cecilio Gordillo —member of Recovering the Memory of the Social History of Andalusia—, Manolito Rastamán —illustrator and historical militant— and Gonzalo Acosta Bono —coordinator of All Names of CGT Andalucía—.

Friday 24

18:00 h

Presentation of the comic “The abolition of work”, by its cartoonist, Bruno Borges (Pepitas de Calabaza, 2022)

Illustrated edition of the most accurate pamphlet in recent decades. The illustrator Bruno Borges accompanies this text by Bob Black written in 1985 with images that, as stimulating as it is contagious, continues to keep intact its strength to propel our lives towards a search for plenitude and to face the mutilation that the economy imposes on us. At this point in the 21st century, Black's work continues to be a heresy for many: for us it is, in addition to a harmonious hymn to life, a monumental cutting of the sleeves to the established mental order.

20:30 h
Dinner and inauguration: La Cía Milagros, «From the mass to half».

Saturday 25

11:00 h

Presentation of the book «Anarchist Extremadura. A century and a half of the libertarian movement, repression and counterculture”, by Chema Álvarez (Ed. Jarramplas, 2022)

The book takes a historical and memorial tour of the libertarian movement in Extremadura, from the end of the 19th century with the First International to the movement of insubordination and civil disobedience to military service in the last third of the 20th century. Among its chapters are well-documented references to the repression exercised during the dictatorship in Extremadura and the countercultural movement after the Franco regime. The book also has an epilogue by Dolors Marín, a renowned Catalan historian on the anti-Franco guerrilla and Iberian anarchism.

14:00 h

16.30 h

Presentation of “The Other Madness: Mental Health, Psychic Suffering and Society”, by its editors (Ed. Irrecuperables, 2022)

In the 1960s and 1970s, at the height of the counterculture and alternatives to the capitalist lifestyle, a new way of understanding madness developed as a rebellion against an unbearable life. This anthology is designed to give a perspective of the ideas of that powerful moment with a selection of writings by different authors, from the most representative critical currents: Basaglia, Laing, Schatzman, Goffman, Guattari, Castel, Foucault, Artaud, Casilda Rodrigáñez. or the poet Leopoldo María Panero. A good introduction to understand the relationship between personal and social discomfort.

19:00 h

Presentation of the newspaper El Topo nº 58

Presentation “Surrealism, anarchism and women: Kati Horna and other beautiful ladies without mercy”, with Almudena Rubio and Lurdes Martínez Halfway between

artistic creation and revolutionary politics, surrealism It has meant for many women a perfect crucible to melt feminism, sexual liberation, libertarian thought and exploration of the imaginary. Thus, Almudena will tell us about Kati Horna, an anarchist photographer who documented everyday life in communities at the beginning of the Civil War. And Lurdes will present us with her book "Bellas damas sin piedad: mujeres del surrealismo", a collective volume that tries to break with the clichés about the role of women in the surrealist movement.

20:30 h

22:00 h / CSOA Malatesta · C/ Escarpia 48 / P.I. Store
Concert party organised by Andalucía Über Alles: Monda Formorto (coldwave, minimal synth, EBM) / Cvrva + Salto al Vazío DJ Set

Sunday 26

11:00 h / Starting point: Puente de Triana esquina con C/ Arjona
Guided tour «El cante jondo del urbanismo». Guided by Pedro Lópeh – El Café de Silverio – and María Barrero –Red Conflictos Urbanos –.

Flamenco crystallized as a genre in the second half of the 19th century, after decades of tourist influence in Andalusia. Decoy and victim at the same time, cante has served to justify the same urban and tourist policies in Seville that have been killing it. We will take a walk through the urban landmarks of the city that reflect its socio-spatial contradictions related to flamenco.

14:00 h

16.30 h
Debate on gordophobia, with Magdalena Piñeyro and the Tripas Revueltas collective

Gordophobia is the hatred, rejection and violence suffered by fat people for being fat. A discrimination founded on prejudices regarding the habits, customs and health of these people, prejudices that are nourished by the belief that the fat body responds to a lack of will or self-care, of not making enough effort to be thin, reason for which it deserves rejection. We will chat with Magdalena Piñeyro, a philosopher and activist who fights against discrimination against fat people, and with Tripas Revueltas, an anti-fat-phobic commando, authors of the fanzine of the same name.


The revolutions of Kati Horna

Photographs of the Spanish social revolution

Kati Horna (Budapest, 1912 – Mexico, 2000) was an independent photographer who was a reporter during the Spanish Civil War. She defended photography as a form of political and artistic expression. She committed herself to making social relationships visible and reflecting on her own journey as a Jewish migrant from Budapest to Mexico City, where she lived in a community of exiled European artists since 1939. Throughout her life she was involved in political circles from left and artistic vanguards. She put her objective and her libertarian gaze at the service of the Social Revolution and in support of the anarcho-syndicalist movement.


Ed. Irrecuperables · Extremadura https://traficantes.net/editoriales/irrecuperables
La Fuga · Sevilla https://lafugalibrerias.com/
La Oveja Roja · Madrid http://laovejaroja.es/
La Torre Magnética · Madrid https://www.viruseditorial.net/es/libreria/editorial/ediciones-de-la-torre-magnetica
Grupo Surrealista de Madrid https://enfantsperdidos.com/grupo-surrealista-de-madrid/
La Rabia · Extremadura
Ediciones Fantasma · Málaga https://edicionesfantasma.com/
Descontrol · Barcelona https://descontrol.cat/
Edicions Malcriàs d’Agràcia · Barcelona https://ateneullibertarigracia.wordpress.com/
CNT Sevilla https://sevilla.cnt.es/
Ateneu Libertario de Gràcia · Barcelona https://ateneullibertarigracia.wordpress.com/
Biblioteca Social hermanos Quero · Granada https://www.bsquero.net/
Piedra Papel Libros · Jaén https://piedrapapellibros.com/
Óxido Lento · Sevilla https://oxidolento.com/
Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo https://fal.cnt.es/
Ona Ediciones · Chiapas – València

Date & Time: 

torsdag, 23 mars, 2023 - 20:00 till söndag, 26 mars, 2023 - 22:00

Is this a callout or mobilisation?: 

  • international callout


  • book shop/info shop/library
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • exhibition
  • food
  • guided tour
  • meeting
  • music/concert
  • party
CSOA La Leona
Calle Muñoz León 5
41009 Sevilla


Evicted squat
CSOA Malatesta
Calle Escarpia 48 / P.I. Store
41007 Sevilla


Presently squatted


  • book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / meeting

November 30, 2022 - Seville once again has a Self-Managed Squatted Social Center for a few weeks. La Leona, located on Francisco Meneses Street 2, between Miraflores and Cruz Roja streets, already has its doors open.


  • action/protest/camp / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / meeting / music/concert