crêpes and show

Proposed: fredag, 22 december

crêpes and show

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    --*crêpes and show*--

das allerletzte (abend)mahl oder: das fristenfutter

Ab heute wird das autonome theater von den eigentümerInnen (der heilsarmee) nicht mehr geduldet.

das feiern wir mit feinem gecrêpe und bester show dazu

jam-session, wunschtheater, konzert und mehr: theater gibts vor dem theater

vorbeikommen, mitmachen, dasein


the last supper 

we are celebrating the last supper (the owner of the building (the salvation army) wants us out today) with delicious crêpes and show delirium!

jam-session, improtheatre, concerts and more theatre in front of the theatre

come by and join




Date & Time: 

fredag, 22 december, 2017 (Hela dagen)


  • children's activity
  • course/workshop
  • food
  • meeting
  • theater


  • free
Ankerstrasse 31
8004 Zürich


Presently squatted

"das autonome Theater" is a space for political activism in form of theatre performances and workshops, discussion, movie evenings, talks, volxküche and more.


  • children's activity / discussion/presentation / exhibition / film / food / meeting / music/concert / theater

opening times: 

the opening times depend on the people who want to give and share workshops so just come by and check the agenda.

leave your email on the list inside and we will update you.