Čeština söndag, 21 maj Koncert: REASON TO CARE, SLOW BLOOMER Short url: https://squ.at/r/2vlxREASON TO CARE SLOW BLOOMER Date & Time: söndag, 21 maj, 2017 - 20:00Category: music/concertpartyPris: by donation Půlka (Café na půl cesty)Centrální park Pankrác14200 PragueTjeckienDirections: Centrální park Pankrác (mezi ulicemi Milevská a Pujmanové) Praha 4; metro "C" zastávka "Pankrác". PůlkaA “Training Café” is a work place that offers a vocational rehabilitation program. It differs from a sheltered workshop, the workers are in everyday contact with the public in a less artificial environment during the training process.Read more & See all events >>categories: bar/cafe / food / music/concert / party