fredag, 20 januari till söndag, 22 januari
NO CAMPS NO PRISONS Info- & Diskussionweekend 20. – 22. January 2017 in Zürich
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An offensive struggle against this world of camps and prisons needs a language, that does not hide behind political phrases and goes beyond the habitual circles . A language, which shows itself in solidarity with other oppressed people in a militant way without degrading them to subjects. A language that does not consist of mere words, but is also understood through acts.
Let’s sabotage the Federal camps! – Friday 20th January, 8 pm
In the new federal camps 5000 people are expected to be more efficiently isolated, exploited, and finally also deported. In this presentation we want to give an overview of the plans of the Swiss state and some ideas on how to cross these plans. Further we will focus on the systematic exploitation in the prisons and the businesses that profit from it.
Greetings from Brussel – Saturday 21st January, 8 pm
Some remarks on the struggles against repressive structures
While the authorities are still holding the latest round of regularisations, other groups of Sans Papiers are still trying to get documents. During theses processes their organizations of resistance start to collapse and some left amateur politicians rest on their laurels. Some individuals decide to take the struggle against a detention camp for immigrants into their own hands. With the intention of making the detention camp a social issue, they see the possibility of encounters in a position of their own choice: direct action and not delegation. Some years later and having made some new experiences, a new movement against maxi prisons is born. In this presentation there will be an overview of the past events, which characterized these moments, the difficulties encountered and what is left of it.
Bleiberecht Soli-Café – Sunday 22nd, 5:30 pm
Friday and Saturday vegan dinner from 6 pm
Date & Time:
- discussion/presentation
- food
- meeting
- free
- by donation