Comunnal dinner and zine launch for palestine

četrtek, 12 December

Comunnal dinner and zine launch for palestine

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Zine Launch and Communal Dinner – Support Event for People in Palestine

(dansk længere nede)

We are hosting a zine launch and communal dinner to raise funds for people in Palestine. We will be serving delicious vegan food. By attending you will support people in Nablus and Hebron in the West Bank, as well as people in Gaza. Bring a friend or come on your own – together we’ll have a wonderful evening in solidarity with Palestine.
(Sign up for dinner follow link to fb event)

In addition to dinner, the evening will feature the launch of the zine: " حياة فلسطين"/“Øjeblikke i Palæstina” / “Lives of Palestine". The stories mainly focus on experiences from Hebron and Nablus, but there are also other accounts about what it means to live under occupation in Palestine. The zines were created in collaboration with friends from Palestine because, together, we come to a greater understanding.

If you'd like to stick around after dinner, stories voiced by Palestinians living in Palestine will be played aloud. These folks are members of self-organized NGOs in the West Bank, supporting people in the refugee camps where they live. You can read more about their work below, and understand what your support is contributing to.

It also feels both urgent and necessary to support emergency aid in Gaza right now. Therefore, we will ensure that some of the funds raised will go towards this.

Awdeh Center in Nablus;
In the New Askar Camp refugee camp in Nablus, about 8,200 people live on an area of about 1 square kilometer. They live in cramped, poorly insulated houses. With winter approaching, the Awdeh Charity Association is raising funds for their “Warm Winter” project in hopes of providing blankets, warm clothes, and other essentials to help 115 families survive the winter.

Center for Freedom and Justice in Hebron:
The Center for Freedom and Justice is located in Hebron and runs several different projects, including delivering food supplies to those in need in Gaza. This time, they have asked for our help in raising funds for a project to create a food factory in Beit Ummar. The project is about supporting local farmers and providing jobs for women

Danish Muslim Aid; is working to address the most critical needs in Gaza.
“Winter is approaching, and the people in Gaza face yet another harsh challenge – they must protect themselves from bombings and attacks, while also lacking food, basic necessities, and the means to stay warm in leaky tents, all while disease threatens from all sides.”

Event Details:
The event operates on a "pay what you can" basis, we recommend a donation of about 60 DKK for the event. All are welcome! You can also purchase the zine for 60 DKK.

Acceseibility, write us on and we'll do our best to answer question and meet your needs.



Vi afholder zine launch og fællesspisning som støttearrangement til mennesker i Palæstina. Vi serverer lækker, vegansk mad, og ved at deltage, støtter du mennesker i Nablus og Hebron på Vestbredden samt i Gaza. Alle er velkomne! Tag en ven under armen eller kom som du er – så får vi en god aften sammen i solidaritet med Palæstina.
(Meld dig til fællesspisningen på fb event, i linket)

Ud over aftensmaden byder aftenen også på lanceringen af zinen: "فلسطين"/“Øjeblikke i Palæstina” / “Lives of Palestine”, Historierne er primært oplevelser fra Hebron og Nablus, men der er også andre fortællinger om, hvad besættelsen betyder for det levede liv i Palæstina. Zinene er skabt i samarbejde med venner fra Palæstina, fordi sammen får vi en større forståelse.

Hvis du vil blive efter aftensmad, afspiller vi nogle af historierne fortalt af palæstinensiske stemmer. De er selv organiseret i NGO'er på Vestbredden, der støtter mennesker i de flygtningelejre, de bor i. I kan læse mere om deres arbejde her og hvad I er med til at støtte.
Det føles også helt nødvendigt og presserende at støtte førstehjælp i Gaza lige nu. Vi vil derfor også sørge for, at nogle af pengene går dertil.

Awdeh Center i Nablus;
I flygtningelejren New Askar Camp bor ca. 8.200 mennesker på et areal af ca. 1 kvadratkilometer. De bor tæt og i dårligt isolerede huse. I forbindelse med vinterens komme samler Awdeh Charity Association penge ind til projektet “Warm Winter” i håb om at 115 familier kan få tæpper, varmt tøj og andre nødvendigheder for at kunne klare vinteren.

Center for Freedom and Justice i Hebron;
De driver flere forskellige projekter, herunder at transportere madforsyninger til nødlidende i Gaza. Denne gang har de bedt om vores hjælp til at samle penge ind til et projekt, der skal skabe en madfabrik i Beit Ummar. Projektet handler om at støtte lokale landmænd og give kvinder arbejde.

Danish Muslim Aid; arbejder for at dække de mest kritiske behov i Gaza.
“Vinteren nærmer sig, og befolkningen i Gaza står overfor endnu en barsk udfordring – de skal både beskytte sig mod bombardementer og angreb, samtidig med at de mangler mad og basale fornødenheder og skal kunne holde varmen i utætte telte, mens sygdomme truer fra alle kanter.”

Praktisk Info:
Arrangementet er et “betal hvad du kan”, vi anbefaler en donation på omkring 60 kr. for eventet. Alle er velkomne!
Zinen kan købes for 60 kr.
Tilgængelighed, skriv gerne til os på mail og vi vil gøre hvad vi kan for at svare på spørgsmål og imødekomme jeres behov.

Date & Time: 

četrtek, 12 December, 2024 - 18:00 to 22:00


  • food


  • free
Folkets Hus
Stengade 50


Former squat, now legalised

Folkets Hus is Nørrebro’s own community center. Here you can get to know your neighbors, practice sports, drink coffee, watch movies, have community kitchen, do activism, hang out and much more!


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