Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Paris Commune Commemoration Part 1

nedelja, 17 Marec

Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! Paris Commune Commemoration Part 1

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Springtime of Revolt, Death to the State! (Part 1)
Two days of subversive memory and celebration on the anniversary of the Paris Comune

Black Threads (#6) - Louise Michel and Irreperable Action

Following on from the Black Threads discussion series, we are again drawing on the heritage of anarchism to illuminate elements of the struggle for freedom today. On this occasion we would like to discuss, not a specific text, but rather, around the anniversary, an insurrectional moment: those spring days in 1871.
Remembered as much by comrades in the past because of the massacres with which the state and its servants punished the rebellion, as for its acts and perspectives of freedom, today we think it is important to consider the Commune as an insurgent utopia, propulsive for comrades who shared its historical epoch, but very distant from us in both qualitative and quantitive terms.

Nevertheless, embedded in the writings of some comrades like Louise Michel, there are the holes and tunnels they bored in the world of power to the radical outside; the commune's promise,  anarchy, which once breached successfully cut all ties with the old world. It meant no going back. The necessity of thinking and discussing these perspectives today, so as to chart our own routes out of here, in ideas and in fact, are obvious to us. On what used to be an often-commemorated anniversary, we would like to do away with myth and discuss instead, in the past as in the present, the armed dream of freedom.

Date & Time: 

nedelja, 17 Marec, 2024 - 19:00


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  • discussion/presentation


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Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road, New Cross
SE14 5HD
Združeno kraljestvo


New Cross Gate railway station

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  • book shop/info shop/library

opening times: 

The Library is open at the following times every week:

Tuesday  4pm- 9pm
Sunday  2pm-7pm