🔥Öffentliche Versammlung "Der Preis ist heiß"

nedelja, 9 Oktober

🔥Open Assembly "Der Preis ist heiß" (The price is hot)

Short url: 


🏷️Fifth Open Assembly for mobilisation on the topics of crisis, inflation, electricity market and self-organised networks from below. 🖤Analyses from an anti-authoritarian perspective. 🪧Practice: upcoming actions & demos. 👪You can participate as elegates or individuals. 👄German and English language.

At the 4th Public Assembly on 25.9.2022 there was already an intensive exchange about assessments/analysis and possible activities. // Report from the last demo "Social protests against high prices" 23.9.2022 Kreuzberg: https://de.indymedia.org/node/226692

Date & Time: 

nedelja, 9 Oktober, 2022 - 14:00 to 18:00


  • meeting
Der Preis ist Heiß
New Yorck im Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2A
10997 Berlin


U Görlitzer Bahnhof, Kottbuser Tor; S Ostbahnhof


Former squat, now legalised



  • bar/cafe / discussion/presentation / film / food / music/concert / party

opening times: 

Es gibt keine regelmäßigen Öffnungszeiten jenseits der Veranstaltungen.


  • action/protest/camp / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / meeting

opening times: 

Offene Versammlung – gegen Inflation, für die soziale Revolution: jeden 1. und 3. Sonntag im Monat ab 15:00 im NewYorck Bethanien
Open Assembly – against Inflation, for the social revolution: every 1st and 3rd Sunday in a month from 3PM at NewYorck Bethanien