Post, modify and approve events

Post or propose your event

All events need to be posted into a group.
Depending on the individual group settings, you will see a link to post or propose an event on most group pages.

This group is already filled in the form, but you can add more groups.

If the group has a location, then this and its timezone are also already filled in, but can be changed.

If you post or propose an event for two or more groups, then members of both groups can edit it.

If you propose an event, then it won't be published in that group immediately. Instead an automated email is sent to the list so that a group member can approve of it.


Changing a repeating event

Repeating events can be posted for up to a year in advance by setting an end date or a number of repeats on the form.

You can change all of them, all of the upcoming ones and individual ones later as well.
For example if the time for your weekly event changes, a date got cancelled, but also if you announce a regular film evening and you want to add the title of the film once they've been picked.

In this case, you go to the date where you want to change it, and edit the appropriate fields. _After_ you click on "Save", you will be asked whether you want to change just this one event or all of them.
(We are working on improving this, so that it looks less confusing.)


Approving events

If somebody proposes an event for a group where they don't have the right to post it directly, then it is hold up as a "pending event" and an automated email is send to the notification email addresses of that group.

All pending events are visible to group members on the "pending events" tab of that group, and they can be approved there with a simple click.