Collectif Soutien Migrant.e.s 13 Al Manba

Collectif Soutien Migrant.e.s 13 Al Manba

Short url:

Manba is a no-border collective, born in the summer of 2015 in reaction to the blockade of the French-Italian border and initially created by people in a situation of migration as well as by people in solidarity.

It is a self-managed collective fighting against security, anti-migration and racist policies, for freedom of settlement and movement for all people, with or without papers.

We are trying to organize collectively, with the people concerned, to denounce and make visible this oppressive policy through various means, such as writing press releases, demonstrations, occupations of buildings...

We believe that solidarity and settlement assistance can be carried out in a critical and political way, and are weapons to fight against borders. We are in contact with several collectives, from Briançon to Ventimiglia, from the city center of Marseille to the working-class neighborhoods. Borders are everywhere!

Manba is also a place to share resources and information on issues related to housing, papers, health and language learning. The goal is for everyone to be able to equip themselves with the best means of defense and emancipation. On a weekly basis, we offer a legal service, French lessons, and a "daycare" area during a French course. We also make the premises available free of charge for the food distribution of an association of asylum seekers and undocumented people, and for meetings of other collectives and initiatives of struggle.

A bit of history... on October 17, 2015, Al Manba 1, located at 180 rue Horace Bertin, is organizing a big open day. This former disused garage has been collectively occupied and wants to be a step to rest on the way for the migrant. Al Manba 2, located at 49 rue Chape, is evicted on April 6, 2016. Al Manba 3, rue Bel Air, is evicted on April 12, 2016. The continuation takes place at the local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux.

opening times: 

(Mise à jour janvier 2023)
Au local, 8 rue Barbaroux:
Lundi : 18h-20h : Permanence juridique (droit d’asile, procédure Dublin, droits des étrangèr·es)
Mardi : 18h : Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba
Mardi et jeudi: 13h-16h : Espace Enfants (en parallèle du cours de français en non-mixité à Manifesten).
Jeudi : 13h-16h : Espace Enfants (en parallèle du cours de français en non-mixité à Manifesten).
Jeudi: 18h-20h: Cours de français (tous niveaux, gratuit et accessible à toustes sans inscription)
Vendredi : 17h-19h : Cours de français (tous niveaux, gratuit et accessible à toustes sans inscription)

Aux Grandes Tables, Friche Belle de Mai, 41 rue Jobin:
Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi (9h30h-11h30) : Cours de français (tous niveaux, gratuit et accessible à toustes sans inscription)

À Massalia Vox, 15 Boulevard de la Liberté:
Mardi (9h30h-11h30) : Atelier de conversation (tous niveaux, gratuit et accessible à toutes et tous sans inscription) – Contact :

À Manifesten, 59 rue Thiers:
Mardi et jeudi (13h30-15h30) Cours de français (tous niveaux, gratuits, en non-mixité sans homme cisgenre) animés par le collectif Mot de Passe (Accueil des enfants au local du Manba Rue Barbaroux)


  • action/protest/camp
  • advice/help/office hours
  • children's activity
  • course/workshop
  • discussion/presentation
  • (free) shop/market
  • meeting

additional tags: 

  • sans papiers
  • migrants


Local Al Manba
8 rue Barbaroux
13001 Marseille


métro / tram Réformés

Marţi, 10 Septembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 17 Septembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 24 Septembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 1 Octombrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 8 Octombrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 15 Octombrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 22 Octombrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 29 Octombrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 5 Noiembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 12 Noiembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 19 Noiembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 26 Noiembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 3 Decembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 10 Decembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 17 Decembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 24 Decembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30

Marţi, 31 Decembrie

Local Al Manba, 8 rue Barbaroux, Marseille

Assemblée générale du collectif Al Manba

meeting - sans papiers
18:00 to 20:30