Radical Evening School

quarta-feira, 8 Janeiro

Radical Evening School

Short url: 


Every week we come together to learn and unlearn. Sometimes we do collective zine reading, and sometimes a more prepared session takes place where some one prepares a topic to present on, with plenty of time for discussion in between. If this page isn't updated we're probably stil coming together and will decide then what zine we'll be reading together. If we know in advance what we'll be discussing, we'll try to update this promotional text.


The formal education system affects us all. Not only are we forced to attend schools growing up, but academic research shapes our governments, our news, and how we view the world around us. As much as many of us want to believe in the promise of institutional education, the sad fact is that our schools and universities are undemocratic and elitist. They perpetuate inequalities instead of giving people the tools to fight them. This world is fucked.

Here at Radical Evening School, though, we know that another world is possible. Everyone should be able to direct their own learning, to grow together with their communities, and to live as though they’re already free. There are countless examples of movements already putting these ideas into practice. This collective is trying to follow in their footsteps, organizing to explore new ways of learning based on principles of autonomy, mutual aid, and egalitarianism.

We draw inspiration from the Radical Sunday School hosted in Amsterdam, and from Paulo Freire's book "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

Doors open at 18:00, we start sharp at 18:30!

Date & Time: 

quarta-feira, 8 Janeiro, 2025 - 18:00


  • course/workshop


  • free
  • by donation


Gumi Sasak
2612 Delft


Mail gumisasak@disroot.org


Presently squatted

Gumi Sasak is our attempt at bringing squatting back to Delft! The neighbours are sympathetic to our cause because we all hate the same landlord.


  • book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / film / food / meeting

opening times: 

We have irregular opening hours. To contact us, email gumisasak@disroot.org . Some weekdays, between 17:30 and 22:00. For now, we'll be hosting movie screenings, radical evening school sessions, and dinners.