Permanence d’autodéfense pour l’accès aux droits (PAAD)

quinta-feira, 6 Fevereiro

Permanences d’autodéfense pour l’accès aux droits (PAAD)

Short url:

Paper issues ? CAF, Pôle Emploi. Questions around residence permit. Lawyers, associations contact details. Administrative and legal advice. Internet access, copies

We propose to help you in fulfilling folders, finding associations/ structures, or finding social workers/ lawyers contacts.

All those administrations steps are hard and complicated. The administrations are either overwhelmed or make it even harder. They follow racist governmental orders which try to reduce our social rights. Against that, we want to help each other, be less alone, and avoid administrative traps.

Every thursday from 14h30 to 16h30 at the Lokal Autogéré. If you can’t come thursday, you can contact us :

Date & Time: 

quinta-feira, 6 Fevereiro, 2025 - 14:30 até 16:30


  • advice/help/office hours
Le Local Autogéré
7, rue Pierre Dupont
38100 Grenoble


Tram C et E Vallier-Liberation

Le local autogéré est un lieu d'activité, de rencontres, de luttes, d'échange et de diffusion d'information.


  • advice/help/office hours / bar/cafe / book shop/info shop/library / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / film

opening times: 

Mercredi de 17h à 21h, permanence du Lokal Autogéré.
Jeudi de 14h30 à 16h30, permanence d’autodéfense pour l’accès aux droits (PAAD).
Les 1er et 3ème mardis de chaque mois de 18h à 20h, permanences informatiques Binary Is for Computer.