sábado, 9 Novembro
2nd Brno Anarchist Bookfair
Short url:
We invite you to the 2nd year of the Anarchist Bookfair Brno, which will take place this year on 9/11 in the Sibiř cultural centre. You can look forward to distros, lectures, workshops and much more, but the content of the program also depends on you! If you would like to share some practical skills, organize a workshop or debate, do not hesitate to contact us in the messages or by e-mail: anarchist-bookfair-brno@riseup.net
We will gradually publish the program and more information. See you in November!
Date & Time:
sábado, 9 Novembro, 2024 - 10:00 até 21:00
Is this a callout or mobilisation?:
- national callout
- book shop/info shop/library
- course/workshop
- discussion/presentation
- music/concert