Boxe populaire

domingo, 2 Fevereiro

Boxe populaire

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Tous les dimanche à l’Île égalité, boxe populaire et musculation, en présence de 2 coach professionnels. Gratuit et ouvert à tou·tes (pas de mixité spécifique, pas d’âge limite, pas d’inscription nécessaire), organisé par l’Association Idir Espoir et Solidarité,

Date & Time: 

domingo, 2 Fevereiro, 2025 - 17:00 até 19:00


  • course/workshop
L'Île Egalité
4-6 rue de l’Egalité, Villeurbanne


Presently squatted

We are people living in the neighborhoods of Cusset and Grandclément who have decided to organize ourselves into a solidarity collective to deal with the health and social situation, based on the model of the Mcdo in the northern districts of Marseille, which was occupied by residents to transfor


  • advice/help/office hours / bar/cafe / children's activity / course/workshop / discussion/presentation / food / (free) shop/market / meeting

opening times: 

Thursday, 5:30pm-6:30pm, free grocery store
Wednesday, 2pm-7pm, support and advice to detainees and their relatives
Sunday, 5pm-7pm, boxing