Δανειστική βιβλιοθήκη και κινηματικό βιβλιοπωλείο

quarta-feira, 25 Dezembro


Short url: 


The library group was created after an open call on 13 december 2021 and the aim is to create a space of libertarian culture that is accessible to all individuals, from where efforts will be made to highlight the struggles and thought of the anarchist movement, as well as the history of the struggles of the oppressed through translations of texts. documentary screenings, self-educational processes, etc. The library of the squat will be open every Wednesday 18.00-21.00

Date & Time: 

quarta-feira, 25 Dezembro, 2024 - 18:00 até 21:00


  • book shop/info shop/library


κατάληψη libertatia
Στρατού, Φάληρο - Stratou, Faliro


λεωφορεία / bus 3,7,10,11,31,39,58


Presently squatted

Libertatia stands for libertarian, inspired by the semi-mythical liberal community of pirates around 1600. In May of 2008, the mansion was occupied and the squatters gave life to it after many years of desolation. We tried to make it sustainable and we did it.


  • action/protest/camp / discussion/presentation / film / meeting

opening times: 

Library and bookstore every Wednesday from 18:00 to 21:00
General assembly of the Libertatia squat every Wednesday at 20:00