To Let live and To Let Die in the Mediterranean: Migrant Death and European Accountability - De Kargadoor - 2 jul 15 19:30

quinta-feira, 2 Julho

To Let live and To Let Die in the Mediterranean: Migrant Death and European Accountability - De Kargadoor - 2 jul 15 19:30

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How to account for the death of the migrants in the Mediterranean? What are the political and the social conditions responsible for the situation? And in what way is the European Union implicated in the situation?

Date & Time: 

quinta-feira, 2 Julho, 2015 - 17:30 até 20:00
3511AP Utrecht

Basta! brengt mensen samen om te discussiëren over onderwerpen die een ieder aangaan maar waar vaak te weinig aandacht aan wordt geschonken. Sinds 2007 voert Basta!


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