After the Bolivarian Revolution, with Clifton Ross - De Kargadoor - 25 Apr 17 19:30

terça-feira, 25 Abril

After the Bolivarian Revolution, with Clifton Ross - De Kargadoor - 25 Apr 17 19:30

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Curious about what's happening right now in Venezuela? Clifton Ross will share his experiences and the views of people from Venezuela that you rarely hear. Not from the Chavista's. Not from the right-wing opposition. But from the critical left-wing opposition to Chavismo.

Date & Time: 

terça-feira, 25 Abril, 2017 - 19:30 até 22:00
3511AP Utrecht

Basta! brengt mensen samen om te discussiëren over onderwerpen die een ieder aangaan maar waar vaak te weinig aandacht aan wordt geschonken. Sinds 2007 voert Basta!


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