Utwórz Wydarzenie

You can set this to "Cancelled" for events that were already announced but won't happen, or to "Proposed" if it's not sure yet whether the event will take place.
Date & Time
Repeating events: Check the Repeat tick box and then choose a weekly, monthly or annual pattern such as every second Wednesday or every first Friday.
Canceling individual events: Exclude specific dates of an repeating event here if you already know that they won't take place. If you need to cancel an event that has already been announced, then change the status of that event to "Cancelled". It will then appear as cancelled in the list so visitors are alerted of the cancellation. Puste pole "Data zakończenia" spowoduje użycie wartości z pola "Data rozpoczęcia"
Np. 2024-11-24
Np. 04:45
Np. 2024-11-24
Np. 04:45
Każdy dzień tygodnia
W każdy poniedziałek, środę i piątek
W każdy wtorek i czwartek
Co tygodni
dniu miesiąca
Co lat
dniu miesiąca
Po wystąpieniach
Np. 2024-11-24
Np. 2024-11-24
Np. 2024-11-24
Pliki muszą mieć mniej niż 2 MB.
Dozwolone typy plików: png gif jpg jpeg.
Categories and tags
Więcej kategorii zostanie dodanych w przyszłości.
Is this a national or international mobilization that requires featuring more highly than other events? This usually means that there are posters in info shops and social centers across the country and possibly also in other countries, and that wider networks will be mobilising peolpe to attend from all over the country, or internationally. Typically these are demonstrations, actions, camps, larger events etc.
To pytanie sprawdza czy jesteś człowiekiem i zapobiega wysyłaniu spamu.
3 * = 15
Solve this math question and enter the solution with digits. E.g. for "two plus four = ?" enter "6".

Karty pionowe

Groups & Locations
If available, the location is already filled in with the information from the group, but you can remove it and/or add another one.
ADA Puławska Puławska 37 Warszawa Poland

Posted to:

  • Ada Puławska
Add or remove groups with the link on the event page.
This was a field on this edit form, but has been moved to a button on the display of the event.